Chiara Valci Mazzara

Quadriennale di Roma


  Artista chiama Artista


General Director: Ilaria Della Torre

Exhibition office and artistic direction: Federica Guida

Collaboration and coordination for  the project: Chiara Valci Mazzara


Artista chiama ArtistaQuadriennale di Roma, a project in which established artists invite emerging ones to conceive a site specific installation for the Sala delle Colonne in Villa Carpegna, Head-quarter and exhibition space of Quadriennale di Roma.

Artists: Mario Airo’ and Marcello Spada, Bruna Esposito and Anja Puntari, Loris Cecchini and Margherita Moscardini, Quadriennale di Roma; Rome, Italy.   June 2010 through June 2011, 3 shows, 6 artists.

Press release and program:

The Quadriennale di Roma opens Villa Carpegna to the public with an exhibitions cycle dedicated to young art. Until now, the Foundation has promoted meetings, book presentations, study and documentation initiatives, as well as offering a continuous service of consultation of its archive-library. Now, with “Artista chiama artista” (Artist calls Artist), the intention is to promote an exhibitions program which aims entirely to focus on  young artists, offering them a concrete opportunity for promotion and enhancement. The initiative is divided into three appointments that alternate agile, personal exhibitions focusing on new works by the under-30 generation. Each exhibition sees the involvement of an established artist in the role of “tutor”, with the task of inviting an artist aged between 20 and 30 to create a site-specific work for the Sala delle colonne at Villa Carpegna. The work will remain on display for a month and will be accompanied by meetings and events. The tutors are Mario Airò, Loris Cecchini, Bruna Esposito. They have all participated in the 15th Quadrenniale di Roma at Palazzo della Esposizioni and due to their artistic expertise, characterised by teaching experience and significant exhibition activity abroad, they seemed particularly suited to accompany young authors on this occasion. The tutors had carte blanche on choosing the artists with whom they were invited to establish a dialogue on the work to be produced, conceived and realised especially for the Sala delle colonne. “Artist calls artist” is a first cycle, a sort of number zero, a first pilot edition launched into the future. With this initiative, we do not want to start any kind of mapping of the contemporary, a task that stays with  the main Italian Contemporary art Quadriennali. The idea that moved the Institution on this occasion was to put its premises and know-how at the service of young art, to encourage the production of works and the possibility of an authentic knowledge of the artists, their identity and their language, at a time that can be particularly significant in their growth path. Calendar 1/3 Tutor: Mario Airò varnishing – 10 June 6.30 p.m. opening – 11 June _ 11 July 2010 2/3 Tutor: Bruna Esposito beginning October 2010 3/3 Tutor: Loris Cecchini beginning November 2010

Exhibition and installations views:

Marcello Spada upon invitation of Loris Cecchini Ph. Courtesy Quadriennale di Roma
Marcello Spada upon invitation of Loris Cecchini Ph. Courtesy Quadriennale di Roma
Anja Puntari upon invitation of Bruna Esposito Ph. Courtesy Quadriennale di Roma
Anja Puntari upon invitation of Bruna Esposito Ph. Courtesy Quadriennale di Roma
Margherita Moscardini upon invitation of Loris Cecchini - Ph. Courtesy Quadriennale di Roma
Margherita Moscardini Ph. Courtesy Quadriennale di Roma