Chiara Valci Mazzara

.2023 Essay for the monograph of Erik Smith – with texts by David Komary, Christian Teckert, Bettina Klein and Jeremiah Day, upcoming 2024

.2023 Foreword on the publication with Maria and Vadim Zakharov Free Home Berlin and Essay for Ann Nöel Williams , upcoming December 2023

.2023 Essay for the catalogue of David Krippendorff – with essays from Kathrin Becker, David Elliott, Mark Gisbourne, Andrea Scrima and Matthias Reichelt,  Distanz Verlag, upcoming December 2023

.2023 Essay for the catalogue of Bernhard Rappold – 2023/24

.2023 Essay to the studio and research of Thomas De Falco at the Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York, USA